Homesteading is all about being more self-sufficient, self-reliant. Saying this, no one can be TOTALLY self-sufficient nor should one be as we need community to survive.

It is also being responsible for one’s health and well being.

Being more mindful of the choices we make and why. Living more consciously and simpler.

It’s promoting the health of the earth - working with the land.

In a world where the systems are fragile, it’s freedom from centralized sources such as food, electricity, heat, finances and Big Pharma!

It is also a safety net throughout trying times whether that is a job loss, weather related, health related…

How can one do this? Here are just a few examples:

  • gardening - growing your own food

  • food preservation

  • raising animals

  • homeschooling

  • renewable energy sources

  • herbs - holistic health - foraging

  • skills - abilities - talents

One does not need acreages or farm land to do this. Start where you are even if it’s just planting a tomato seed, learning how it grows then enjoying the rewards. Support your local farmers, your local community.

Let’s gather together, support one another and grow together!!!



Tips & Tricks for growing your own garden

Raising Animals

Learn how to take care of your own animals


Learn how to can your own food

Medicinal Herbs

All Natural Remedies

Renewable Energy Sources

Solar, Wind & Hydro Power


Benefits of Homeschooling